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The Department for Work and Pensions has published a staged timetable for occupational pension schemes and personal and stakeholder providers to be connected to the pensions dashboard.

The Department for Work and Pensions has proposed pushing back the deadline for mandatory adoption of the Pensions Dashboards Programme to October 2026.

Pensions Minister Laura Trott said this week that the Pensions Dashboards will be delayed and will miss the 31 August deadline when the first connections were due.

Only 1 in 20 pension schemes will be able to provide dashboard data for all of their members, according to a new survey.

The pensions industry has been given more time to prepare for the Pensions Dashboards next year.

The Financial Conduct Authority has published a consultation paper today on Pensions Dashboards which explicity confirms that SIPPs will be included in Pensions Dashboards. 

Altus and ITM have joined forces to launch the first commercial Pensions Dashboards Integrated Service Provider (ISP).

The Pensions Dashboards Programme, a body backed by the Money and Pensions Service, said in a progress report today that it is moving forward but has deferred two major full consultations due to the Coronavirus crisis.

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