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Twice a year, every year for the last ten years, I have had the discussion with my peers about tax free cash, or to give it its correct legislative name, pension commencement lump sum, and if it will lose its tax free status in the next announcement.
Sipps specialist Claire Trott is leaving Talbot and Muir, the company revealed this morning.
2016 has been another year of consolidation in the Sipp industry, this can be seen as good or bad depending on who you are and more importantly, where the Sipps end up.
I decided to try and avoid the Brexit vote for a little longer and thought the best way to do this was to run a marathon around a forest.
A revamp of the Talbot and Muir Sipp has been announced this morning.
It seems today that if there is a problem with pensions or if people are looking for someone to blame for people losing money, then SIPPs seem to be at the front of the line.
Sipp quotes really are one thing in the pensions world that I don’t understand.
The third edition of the Retirement Market Data Bulletin has recently been released and although it makes interesting reading, I suppose it does leave many questions unanswered.
The morning after Budget day found me waking up in my hotel rather down.
In the last week I have been travelling around the country a lot and one day I was booked in to talk with some professional connections of a financial adviser, when I asked for a list of attendees I was a little surprised to discover the majority of the audience were property professionals.
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