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Openwork Group’s adviser headcount now stands at 3,521, up from 3,008 this time last year, says the company, representing growth of 17%.
A new drawdown comparison table has been created to show both Personal Pensions and Sipps.
As auto-enrolment reaches its third anniversary, NEST has reported that there are now over 5 million workers enrolled and up to a further 5 million workers set to be enrolled.
A survey of financial advisers has revealed that 71% say their clients plan to work longer and retire later to bridge the gap in their retirement savings.

There has been a surge in advisers becoming automatic enrolment specialists, according to a savings organisation, as the scheme reaches its second anniversary today.

The threat of a further levy hangs over advisers due to increased compensation linked to Sipp claims.

Rowanmoor, the independent SSAS provider and bespoke Sipp and Family Pension Trust operator, has announced a series of seminars in the spring for financial advisers.
Retirement planning advisers have told how regulation is their overriding fear in the wake of RDR.
Advisers will be forced to re-evaluate their choice of administrator following Capita's exit from Sipp and SSAS administration, Talbot & Muir says.
Sipp providers must address their quality of their service, according to new research by Sipp provider Liberty SIPP.
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