The average retirement age has risen to 65 years for men and 62 years for women, according to the Office for National Statistics.
A series of amendments have been issued by the Department for Work and Pensions ahead of auto-enrolment implementation.
Pension provider Dentons has added a new product to its range, the Dentons Sipp.
Dentons Pension Management, a specialist provider and administrators of self invested pension products, has announced a series of Sipp breakfast briefings. The briefings across the UK will bring together some of the leading commentators in the sector.
The man known as the godfather of Sipps, John Moret, recently set up his own consultancy to help advise providers and advisers. After a long career in the Sipps market, we asked “Mr Sipp” to share his thoughts on the way ahead and how Sipps fit within the Financial Planning profession.