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Savers could be in line for a pension pot boost of as much as 30% this year with further rises on the way, new analysis by Aviva has shown.

The DWP has announced it will look to plug the gaps in automatic enrolment to help those with multiple low-income jobs.
Fines worth up to £10,000 per day for auto-enrolment failures increased rapidly between January and March, with 96 being issued.
A giant fluffy multi-coloured monster’s ability to stop employers ignoring the workplace pension via a TV campaign has been called into doubt at a Pensions Regulator board meeting.
The influential Work and Pensions Commitee is to re-open its inquiry into auto-enrolment to assess the affect of the new Lifetime ISA (LISA) on auto-enrolment.
Adviser firm LEBC has teamed up with Aviva and the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers to launch an auto–enrolment portal.
Changes to the timing of auto-enrolment announced today by the Chancellor will result in a £820m tax bonus for the Treasury, a retirement expert has estimated.
Sandringham Financial Partners has launched an auto-enrolment (AE) consultancy to support partners working to deliver auto-enrolment solutions for business clients.
As auto-enrolment reaches its third anniversary, NEST has reported that there are now over 5 million workers enrolled and up to a further 5 million workers set to be enrolled.
Auto-enrolment is celebrating its three year anniversary tomorrow (1 Oct) with 5m workers now enrolled and opt-out rates below expectations.
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