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The Personal Financial Society (PFS) has asked the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to reconsider its plans for assessing the amount of compensation owed to British Steel pension scheme (BSPS) members.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has called for views on decumulation and helping savers understand their pension choices.

The Financial Conduct Authority is to speed up the removal of regulated activities from firms failing to use their permissions.

The Financial Conduct Authority has banned five directors of financial advice firms from working in financial services and fined them over £1m.

FCA CEO Nikhil Rathi has defended the pay packages of staff - some of whom went on strike this week - as “possibly the best package” among UK regulators.

A fifth (19%) of financial advisers admit they have not heard of the FCA’s new Consumer Duty and have not considered changes they may need to make.

The FCA has relaunched its pension transfer ‘advice checker’ tool for consumers to help them assess whether they have received unsuitable advice.

The FCA plans to publish performance metrics for itself and the sector for the first time as it raises its annual funding requirement by 4.3%, according to the regulator’s new three year business plan.

The FCA has made significant changes to the rules on Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) in one of its first major moves away from EU regulation.

SIPP provider Heritage Pensions Limited has gone into liquidation this week after a string of upheld claims against the firm.

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