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Displaying items by tag: retirement

The State Pension is not fit for purpose and should be replaced with a Workplace ISA and a new residency-based Senior Citizens’ Pension, a think tank says.
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Nearly half of savers living in the north region are using cash ISAs to build a retirement fund, according to a new report.
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The Financial Services Compensation Scheme has revealed a list of another 25 failed finance firms this morning - including a number of pension businesses.
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The Treasury must avoid putting shackles on the new Pensions Advice Allowance that could deter younger savers engaging with their retirement planning, a pensions firm says.
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Monday, 17 October 2016 11:17

'We want a pensions bonfire this Autumn'

A Financial Planning firm’s MD claims ex-Chancellor George Osborne was “possessed with an inner-Gordon Brown” and called for pension complexities to be scrapped by his successor.
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Professional advisers are increasingly being overlooked by the over 50s as they turn to the internet instead for retirement guidance, a new report suggests.
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Monday, 10 October 2016 11:58

Concerns over unified pension advice service

A new government body offering money and pensions guidance and debt advice to consumers is to be set up to provide a one-stop source for personal finance advice.
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Wednesday, 28 September 2016 11:01

Retirees spend more on gambling than working people

Retirees are spending more of their cash on gambling than working people, a report says.
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Total membership of occupational pension schemes has reached the highest level since the figures were first recorded by the ONS in 1953.
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The former Minister “who made pensions sexy” claims that the new LISA is “an abomination” and is more likely to prompt cash splurges on Lamborghinis than the pension freedoms have.
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