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Displaying items by tag: retirement

A retirement planning boss believes that a single flat rate of pension tax relief could be the “boost to pensions simplification we’ve needed for a long time”.
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FSCS bosses said today they see no end to the high numbers of Sipp-related advice complaints next year.
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A Sipps expert fears the Government may be underestimating the complexity and costs attached to a new a flat rate of tax relief, amid reports this morning that such a change will be announced imminently.
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Could 2016 be the year of the SSAS? The main reason I can see the answer being yes is that it is simply a suitable product for many that may have been overlooked in the past. I could just stop there but this would then be really short and quite uninformative so I feel I should expand a little.
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Financial advisers should establish a charity to provide pensions advice to people with low incomes, a campaign group says.
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Friday, 08 January 2016 12:40

New free post-Pension Wise service launched

Aegon has launched a new free guidance service designed for its own customers who have already been to Pension Wise but have no financial adviser.
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Thursday, 07 January 2016 12:22

Drawdown: FCA stats show 42% not using an adviser

Many customers newly entering drawdown to stay invested have not been using an adviser, new FCA figures showed this morning.
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Wednesday, 06 January 2016 12:08

Pensions chief's bid to cure 6 year-old daughter

The co-founder of a retirement advice firm is aiming to highlight the plight of those who suffer from the potentially life-threatening disease, which afflicts his young daughter.
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Failure to save earlier in life to build up a pension is the biggest financial regret for over a quarter of over 65 year-olds, a survey suggests.
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Retirement planning is the top priority for many high net worth clients, according to a poll looking at financial resolutions in 2016.
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