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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Friday, 09 October 2015 09:46

Sipps firm scraps all member 'transfer out' fees

A Sipps and SSAS firm has decided to scrap all member “transfer out” fees for UK based schemes.
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A quarter of couples plan to take advantage of pension freedoms to make sure they leave an inheritance to their families, according to new research.
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Research has found that nearly half of UK employers are concerned about older workers deferring retirement due to inadequate retirement savings.
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Monday, 05 October 2015 09:08

4 in 5 cash lump sums paid to under 65s

The Association of British Insurers has revealed that around 80% of cash lump sum withdrawals were made by people who had not reached 65 years of age.
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The FCA is to review its pension rules post the pension reforms to address the, “risks and challenges faced by consumers in the new retirement market.”
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The pension reforms and the rise in life expectancy are fuelling demand for financial advice during retirement, according to research among financial advisers.
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Wednesday, 30 September 2015 10:43

Neil MacGillivray: Time bomb ticking

Now nominations are nothing new, members have been able to nominate dependants to receive pension death benefits and beneficiaries to receive a lump sum.
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Wednesday, 30 September 2015 10:36

5m now in auto-enrolment pensions; opt-outs low

Auto-enrolment is celebrating its three year anniversary tomorrow (1 Oct) with 5m workers now enrolled and opt-out rates below expectations.
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Tuesday, 29 September 2015 12:22

Partnership unveils three-in-one ERA flexi-Sipp

Partnership is to launch the Enhanced Retirement Account [ERA] Sipp offering consumers access to a guaranteed income and the flexibility of drawdown as well as an opportunity for investment growth.
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Flat-rate pension tax-relief proposals are no ‘silver bullet’, the managing director of a retirement practice has warned its supporters.
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