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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Thursday, 03 September 2015 12:17

'Thousands of pensioners could be left penniless'

Thousands of pensioners could be left penniless and spending their retirement in poverty, a saving provider has warned, following news that savers have withdrawn £2.5billion since the reforms took effect.
Published in Articles
Wednesday, 02 September 2015 12:37

Watchdog: Pension Wise performance must be transparent

The Government needs to be more transparent about how Pension Wise is performing, a consumer watchdog said today.
Published in Articles
Thursday, 03 September 2015 07:18

Sipp offered on new direct-to-consumer online platform

A Sipp has been made available on a new direct-to-consumer online platform aimed at retirees.
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Debts of as much as £100,000 are following people into their life after work, a report on retirement planning has shown.
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I would recommend that everyone takes time to read the Green Paper called 'strengthening the incentive to save' – a consultation on pension tax relief.
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Nearly 8 in 10 advisers expect growing numbers of pension providers will not offer their auto enrolment schemes to businesses with fewer than 30 employees.
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Ten per cent of grown up children claim their parents are having ‘too much fun’ and ‘blowing’ their inheritance, as a generational financial tug of war takes place, according to a retirement report.
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A pensions expert says she has been disturbed to discover the new freedoms may be working to the detriment of many retirees as they take out their cash and stash it in savings accounts, suffering a tax hit as a consequence.
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More than one in ten people aged over 60 have no plans to ever retire, fresh research has suggested.
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Mattioli Woods is to spend nearly £15m to build a new central Leicester office.
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