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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Many of the nearly two million small employers approaching their pensions auto-enrolment staging dates are in danger of missing deadlines by underestimating the amount of data needed to complete the process, an advice firm has warned.
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A new online planning tool designed to create a “simple picture of pension savers’ options” has been launched.
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Demand for annuities appears to have climbed, with sale increases suggesting somewhat of a recovery since the slump in April, research has shown.
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The pensions industry must act swiftly and decisively itself on ‘excessive’ exit fees or it will be forced to do so by new legislation, a Sipp firm expert says.
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A Leicestershire-based firm of independent financial advisers is to create its own white labelled full Sipp.
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Losses due to pension scams more than tripled to nearly £5m in the month after the pension reforms took effect as liberation scams tripled, new figures suggest.
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A pension advisory business has reported 11 possible pension scam companies that are appearing in Google ads or search results.
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Fines worth just under £170,000 were handed out to firms for auto-enrolment failings in the 12 months from April 2014.
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Money troubles are what soon-to-be retirees fear most – more so than their health - a poll suggested.
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The Pensions Regulator has pledged to ensure that the one million-plus small and micro businesses preparing for automatic enrolment get it right.
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