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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Wednesday, 27 May 2015 10:11

James Hay strikes Sipp deal with Towry

James Hay has struck a deal with Towry for around 4,000 Towry Sipp clients to be transferred into the flagship James Hay Modular iPlan.
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Friday, 22 May 2015 12:22

Two directors hired by pensions firm

A pensions firm has announced the appointments of two new directors.
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A Sipp firm says it has seen a shift in adviser focus away from pension freedoms as the dust begins to settle post April.
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Fewer than 1 in 14 of the complaints received by the FOS about investments and pensions were regarding Sipps in 2014/15 but officials still say the number is significant.
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More than 9 out of 10 people are off course for the kind of retirement they aspire to, research from a pension firm suggests.
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Incoming Pensions Minister Ros Altmann has been encouraged to include a new Workplace ISA into the auto-enrolment legislation by the Centre for Policy Studies.
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An independent research company has created a new pension service ratings based on the views of 500 advisers.
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Two thirds of unretired over 55s believe that it should be compulsory to receive financial advice at retirement, a poll found.
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Dentons has reported a record breaking first quarter for new business, with transfers from other Sipp operators cited as a key factor.
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Traditional inheritance may be dying out, with a rise in 'giving while living', research has suggested.
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