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Displaying items by tag: retirement

A pensions expert believes an idea floated by Pensions Minister Steve Webb for the resale of existing annuity contracts will never work.
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A pensions firm which has recently warned about that retirees face a major financial shortfall has welcomed research finding a healthy attitude among 18-24 year olds towards savings.
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Politicians have been urged to make one key New Year's resolution – to refrain from fiddling further with pension rules.
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Criminals are getting ready to pounce on unsuspecting savers when the new retirement reforms take effect, a pensions expert has warned.
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Retirement wealth planning firm James Hay has laid out plans to introduce greater flexibility for clients as the pension reforms kick in next April.
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A pensions consultancy firm has predicted the average retiree is set to live on the poverty line.
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Pensioners plan to spend a total of £4.2 billion on gifts and entertaining this Christmas, a survey found.
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 11:45

FCA report: Retirement market failing customers

The market for retirement income is failing, with many consumers missing out on a higher income by not shopping around, the FCA has concluded.
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A majority of UK employees expect to keep working beyond the age of 65, a new poll shows.

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Nearly two thirds of financial advisers fear that the pension reforms will be axed if the Government changes at the General Election, research suggests.

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