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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Nearly half of open market pension to annuity transfers were under £20,000 last year, research indicates. 
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Monday, 10 February 2014 09:24

37% will never save for retirement

Over a third of British consumers (37%) say they'll never save or invest for their retirement – compared to just 22 percent of people globally, according to a new study by Nielsen.
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Friday, 07 February 2014 11:16

Retirees not ready to give up work

A quarter of people planning to retire this year are not ready to stop work, research indicates.
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The rising cost of living has added the equivalent of an extra month of bills per year for people close to retirement, research has shown.
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A fifth of people aged 65 and over have borrowed money or expect to do so to pay their retirement, research indicates.
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About half of adults are 'misguidedly' relying on their state pension to get them through retirement, a poll suggests.
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The Financial Planning industry must do a better job of explaining the importance of pensions to the general public, a retirement planning expert says.
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A financial shock is awaiting many women when they pack up work, with annual incomes £8,000 beneath what they believe will give them a comfortable life, a study indicates.
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Spouses are keeping secret debts worth an average of £7,800 from their other halves and potentially risking their comfort in retirement, a study shows.
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Hargreaves Lansdown, the Sipp, investment and advice provider, has urged Chancellor George to use his autumn statement on Thursday to tackle systemic failures in converting pension pots into retirement income.
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