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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Britain’s over 50s are increasingly planning to hold back savings in their pension to pass on their wealth tax-efficiently, a report suggests.
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Brexit could spark an offshore pensions clampdown, a pensions firm believes.
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As many as 630,000 self-employed people in the UK could be relying upon their business to act as their pension rather than saving, research has suggested.
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An ex-Pensions Minister has blasted Theresa May’s new Government for effectively relegating pensions to the second tier.
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Consumers choosing income drawdown without using a regulated adviser are to come under the regulatory spotlight.
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A so-called post-Brexit ‘punishment Budget’ which could have implications for pensions may only have been delayed rather than scrapped, a Sipp firm’s senior analyst has warned.
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Pension tax relief could be an “early casualty” of the UK’s decision to vote to leave the EU, a leading analyst believes.
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Wednesday, 15 June 2016 12:25

Neil MacGillivray: I fear more seismic changes

In the lead up to the Spring budget there was a fair amount of speculation about what major (negative) changes were going to be made to pensions.
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Sipp provider @SIPP says there has been a 70% increase in new business for sales in the first quarter of 2016 compared to 2015.
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Retirees who entered drawdown in 2015 could face "a decade of lost income" if volatile market conditions continue as they have been, a pensions firm has warned.
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