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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Wednesday, 03 December 2014 14:10

Pensions expert welcomes annuity death benefits move

A pensions expert has welcomed a move in the Autumn Statement today to bring annuity death benefits into line with drawdown.

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The scale of ignorance about pensions among young people has been revealed by a Sipp firm.

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The FCA will strengthen its proposals on the pensions guidance service to protect consumers in light of industry concerns and following fears raised in Parliament over another mis-selling scandal.

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A retirement planning expert has called on the Government to avoid making further changes to pensions at next week's Autumn Statement.

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Retirees will become "guinea pigs" threatened by the "real possibility of another mis-selling scandal" when the pension reforms come in next April, an MP has claimed.

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A Treasury U-turn on the pension reforms has been hailed by a Sipps firm as "a victory for common sense".

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Pensioner poverty is at a record low level, according to a study from the New Policy Institute.

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Nearly 300,000 small employers will shun advice when choosing a pension scheme to comply with auto-enrolment.

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A review on whether the link between the auto enrolment earnings trigger and income tax should be axed next year moves closer to a conclusion next week.

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New guides explaining the sweeping reforms to pensions in "plain English" have been created for advisers and retirees.

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