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Displaying items by tag: retirement

Friday, 16 September 2016 12:28

Director warns LISA 'aiming to muscle out pensions'

The Lifetime ISA appears to be “aiming to muscle out pensions”, a savings expert says, after new details were revealed.
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Wednesday, 14 September 2016 10:35

Pension Awareness Day: Double decker bus tours UK

A bright blue double decker bus driven has begun a six day tour of the UK today espousing the benefits of saving for retirement.

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A new tool has been created to trace lost pensions.
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Wednesday, 07 September 2016 10:37

Nearly 1 in 5 failing to save anything for retirement

About one out of five people are still failing to save anything at all towards their retirement, a report has suggested.
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The new capital adequacy rules took effect this week but Sipp experts say there are still grey areas that could be problematic.
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A ‘disturbing’ report has intimated that as many as 3 in 10 people using the pension freedoms have taken out funds only to put them in a bank account.
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Monday, 22 August 2016 12:20

'Pension is becoming the new family heirloom'

The pension is effectively becoming the new family heirloom, a Chartered Financial Planner says, as younger generations look to inherit cash rather than things.
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A new Retirement Quality Mark to ensure products operate in the customers’ best interests is set to be launched later this year.
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Average income for retired households continued to rise following the economic downturn and has gone above the 2007/08 level – in contrast to non-retired households which have failed to get back to that same peak.
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The FCA advised AMPS at the beginning of August that they had issued an alert highlighting some of the risks arising from authorised firms accepting business from unauthorised introducers and lead generators.
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